Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's official...

Congratulations to the Bruins on a fantastic Game 7 win out west in the city of car-burners! So it is on this happy note that we kick off our summer adventure. As you can see to the left our service has been suspended for 3 months at no cost; thank you DirecTV for being so accommodating. 

Additionally, their nice support staff even verified that our suspension (this has a different meaning when you're not in jr. high) will not affect my ability to use the NFL package to keep up with my Patriots and fantasy leagues this fall. A appropriately-timed email from their Director of Sports Programming also let me know that I will not be billed for that until the lockout is ended and the games actually kick off. 

Of course, all of this is predicated on the owners and the players getting their heads out of each others asses long enough to figure out that they're about to blow their precious golden egg to smithereens if they miss even one game. I mean seriously, the NFL has seen a meteoric rise in popularity in the last decade and they have fans all over the world just throwing money at them, but they're willing to jeopardize that to squabble about who actually gets the billions of dollars pouring in. Sigh. 

<random thought>
73 page views on my first post in less than 24 hours... maybe this blog thing actually will catch on after all.
</random thought>

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